Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi bot!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
Google+ team
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Wow! The Pentagon wants to strip dead satellites for parts while still in orbit!

The US Military is researching a program whereby they would launch a big satellite full of little satellites. It would zero in on "zombie satellites" -- those no longer in use and still orbiting. Then it would remove usable parts, mostly antennas, and affix them to the little satellites, bring them to life, then use the new satellite to serve US troops on the ground with communications capability at a fraction of the ...
+444 - 179 comments - 110 sharesView or comment on this post »
CM9-RC1: Get it while its hot!!!

Builds are still in queue and will appear as they complete. We are releasing for some of the Sony (SEMC) line of devices as well today. 

More devices to follow as their device trees come up to par for the next wave of RC's. 


Update: seems to not be loading due to high load! You can also use or ROM Manager to get the RC-1 downloads.
CyanogenMod 9.0-RC1! | CyanogenMod
225. That figure represents the total number of days since Android 4.0 (ICS) hit the AOSP repos. 37. That is the number of devices receiving their RC1 build
+699 - 170 comments - 183 sharesView or comment on this post »
Chivalry isn't dead, merely unconscious; and I aim to revive it.

I had a conversation with a girl that I've been dating for a few weeks now, and she brought up the fact that no one has ever walked her to her door before without being asked.   I was absolutely flabbergasted at first, but then I started remembering conversations I've had with other women in my life and some of my exes.

It's obvious that fewer gentlemen are being raised, and while I've never had a conversational topic about walking women...
+813 - 500 comments - 256 sharesView or comment on this post »
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